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Korea Oracle User Group


SQL Dashboard – V2

명품관 2016.04.27 15:08 조회 수 : 945


SQL Dashboard – V2



Quick Post – I had some fun last weekend with SQL Dashboard, thought it deserves a post. As you can see in attached video now dashboard supports wait graph in colors directly from SQL*Plus  :)  wait a minute



Well, we all know sql*plus does not support colors, However, I could simulate that using Iterm2 (Mac terminal client) by assigning colors to specific legends.


I have received several emails to make code compatible with 10g, unfortunately it is not possible due to dependency on 11g dictionaries. I have fixed several bugs and publishing 11g R2 and 11g R1 version.

Only noticeable enhancement is graph with wait events.


출처 : https://jagjeet.wordpress.com/2013/12/20/sql-dashboard-v
